Stained glass window panels dedicated in Ballymacash

Monday February 27th 2017

A stained glass window panel donated in loving memory of David and Peggy Duffin by their family Valerie, Joan and Frank was dedicated at St Mark’s, Ballymacash, by the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy Bishop of Connor. Also included in the photo are David Seaton, Jodi Smith, Frank Duffin, Florence Duffin, Simon Seaton, Joan Seaton, the Rev Lynne Gibson, rector of St Mark’s and the Rev Ken Gamble. Photo: Brian Kelly.

The final stained glass window panels at St Mark’s Church in the Parish of Ballymacash were dedicated by the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, Bishop of Connor. on Sunday February 26.

This completes the series of stunning high level window panels at the rear of the church which depict the winged lion, the symbol of St Mark’s gospel, which was so beautifully and imaginatively designed by the notable Ulster artist David Esler of Leadlines.

Window panels dedicated at the service were donated as follows:

  • In loving memory of both David and Peggy Duffin by their family Valerie, Joan and Frank
  • In loving memory of Adrian and Mary Roberts by their children Paul, Ralph and Kathy
  • And by the parishioners of St Mark’s, Ballymacash.

In loving memory of their parents Adrian and Mary Roberts, Paul, Ralph and Kathy donated a stained glass window panel in St Mark’s, Ballymacash. Dedicated by the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, Bishop of Connor, the photo also includes Penny, Finn and Romelly with the Rev Lynne Gibson, rector of St Mark’s and the Rev Ken Gamble. Photo: Brian Kelly.

The final stained glass window panel at St. Mark’s Church Parish of Ballymacash was dedicated by Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, Bishop of Connor, on Sunday February 26.

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