Church of Ireland General Synod to be held in Armagh

Friday April 17th 2015

General Synod 2015 will be held in Armagh City Hotel.

General Synod 2015 will be held in Armagh City Hotel.

The General Synod of the Church of Ireland will take place from Thursday May 7 to Saturday May 9 at the Armagh City Hotel, Friary Road, Armagh.

This year, in a change to the usual format, the General Synod will begin with the Synod Service of Holy Communion to be held in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh at 10.30am. The business of the General Synod is scheduled to commence in the conference centre of the hotel at 12.00 noon.

The Archbishop of Armagh, The Most Rev Dr Richard Clarke, will deliver his presidential address shortly after noon on the first day of Synod.

For ongoing information, visit the General Synod’s website at:

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