Thinking Day in Lisburn Cathedral

Tuesday March 6th 2007

Thinking Day Service in Lisburn Cathedral.  L to R: front row) The Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn, Jessica Teague, Rebecca Baird, Alison Johnston, Emma Williamson, Lucy Scott, Ruby Scott and the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn.  (back row)  The Rev Ken McGrath - Vicar, Francis Jess (Lisburn Cathedral), Margaret Fullerton (Lisburn Cathedral), Margaret Quigley (Lisburn Cathedral), Lee Maxwell (Wallace High School) and the Rev Canon Sam Wright - Rector.The Right Worshipful the Mayor, Councillor Trevor Lunn and the Mayoress, Mrs Laureen Lunn, were the special guests at the Girl Guides’ Thinking Day Service in Lisburn Cathedral on February 25.

The service was attended by Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Senior Section and their leaders from 12th Lisburn (Wallace High School) and 5th Lisburn (Lisburn Cathedral) Companies.

The theme for the service was ‘Friendship’ and in his welcome and introduction the rector, the Rev Canon Sam Wright, encouraged the Guides to be happy and know true friendship with one another and with the Lord Jesus. 

The Mayor read the first Scripture lesson from Proverbs 17 and spoke of how the ‘Friendship’ theme fits so perfectly with his Mayoral theme about the need to ‘Embrace Diversity’.

Brownie Guide Lucy McDonald presents a bouquet of flowers to the Mayoress - Mrs Laureen Lunn welcoming her and the Mayor to the Girl Guides’ Thinking Day Service in Lisburn Cathedral.  Looking on is the Mayor - Councillor Trevor Lunn and the rector, the Rev Canon Sam Wright (right).Philip McConnell and a group of vocalists accompanied by David Brattle on keyboard, Jason Parker on saxophone, David Johnston on percussion led the praise. 

The Vicar, the Rev Ken McGrath, chose as the subject for his address ‘What a Friend we have in Jesus,’and Guide leaders Margaret Fullerton (Lisburn Cathedral) and Lee Maxwell (Wallace High School) led the girls in renewing their Girl Guide promise. 

Lee Maxwell (Wallace High School) read the Scripture lesson from John 15 v 12-17.  Co-ordinated by Francis Jess (Lisburn Cathedral), Guides – Jessica Teague, Rebecca Baird, Alison Johnston, Emma Williamson, Lucy Scott and Ruby Scott said prayers written by them especially for the occasion.


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