Visit of Liverpool FC coaches another success

Wednesday April 11th 2007

Kids from the Greater Shankill area looking forward to their coaching session with the Liverpool FC community coaches over the Bank Holiday.Liverpool Football Club’s community coaching team spent the Bank Holiday weekend in north and west Belfast.

The coaches were at Paisley Park in the Shankill for a fourth year to train children and young people and help them master football skills, drills and tactics.  The two-day event was spearheaded by Sister Valerie Thom of the Church Army.

She said: “This is the fourth year that Liverpool Football Club community coaches have visited the area. It is a positive experience and gives those attending a sense of worth when a club like Liverpool returns to the area every year.”

Coaching took place on Easter Monday and Tuesday, and on Thursday April 12 the Liverpool FC Chaplain, Bill Bygroves, made presentation at St Columbas Church, Ballygomartin Road, on faith and sport, covering themes of racism, sharing, bullying, drugs and community responsibility.

Photos by Ken Houston.

One young lad ready for action.Four of the Liverpool FC community coaches who visited Paisley Park.

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