Connor Connections summer edition now out

Tuesday June 26th 2007

Connor Connections summer 07 is available now.The summer edition of Connor Connections, the magazine for the diocese of Connor, is now available.

Articles include an interview with Bishop-elect Canon Alan Abernethy as he prepares to leave his Ballyholme parish for new challenges in Connor.

MLA David Burnside, a parishioner in Ballymoney, talks about how he juggles family life with a key role in Northern Ireland politics and business interests in London.

Keith Scott, his wife Lyn and their children Adam and Hannah, who face challenges of their own on a daily basis as they carry out their work as CMSI mission partners in Zambia, give an insight into their life in Africa.

And in a touching interview a recovering alcoholic and drug addict tells how his life was quite literally saved thanks to a far sighted project based at Kilmakee Parish.

Connor Connections also looks at the vital role of the Diocesan reader, how one Belfast parish is helping needy children in Siberia, and the success of the Hard Gospel project’s ‘Our Kind of People’ exhibition in Monkstown.

There are also plenty of other news items from around the diocese, so if you haven’t got your copy yet, speak to your rector.

Anyone requiring additional copies can contact Karen Bushby, Diocesan Communications Officer, on 028 4066 0798 or email

Connor Connections can also be downloaded in pdf format here.

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