The Diocesan Pairs Bowling Tournament took place on Friday October 26 in St Patrick's Hall, Broughshane.
Twenty seven pairs from nine parishes across the diocese took part. The bowlers entered into the spirit of the tournament and the games were all played in good spirit, friendship and with a determination to win.
The bowling was exceptional with some very tight heads and tied games which meant a deciding end had to be played. The winning pair was James Elliott and Norman McNeill from Armoy Parish, who will keep the cup for one year.
Runners up were Davy Bell and Leslie King from St. Cedma's Parish, Larne.
A thoroughly enjoyable evening was had by all with some very positive comments from those taking part who felt the event was worth repeating. The prizes were presented by The Dean of Connor, The Very Rev John Bond.
The Tournament was organised by Mrs Beth Clyde, a parishioner of St Patrick's, Broughshane.
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