50th anniversary of Derriaghy Parish Mothers’ Union

Friday April 18th 2008

Cutting the cake to mark the 50th anniversary of Derriaghy Parish Mothers’ Union are L to R: Mrs Pat Allen (Secretary), Mrs Margaret Crawford (All Ireland President), Mrs Trudy Hull (Branch Chairman) and past chairmen - Mrs Irene Graham, Mrs Florence Barr and Mrs Amy Boyd.A service of thanksgiving to mark the 50th anniversary of Derriaghy Parish Mothers’ Union Branch was held in Christ Church, Derriaghy on Sunday April 13.

The Rector, the Rev John Budd, led the service and the guest speaker was Mrs Margaret Crawford (All Ireland President of the Mothers’ Union).  Mrs Moira Thom (Diocesan President), Mrs Trudy Hull (Branch Chairman), Mrs Pat Allen (Secretary) and Miss Margaret Hanthorne (Treasurer), also took part.
Derriaghy Parish Mothers’ Union and guests, pictured at a service of thanksgivingmarking the 50th anniversary of the branch.  L to R: (seated) Mrs Maud Ryan (Area Chairman), Mrs Margaret Crawford (All Ireland President), Mrs Moira Thom (Diocesan President), Mrs Trudy Hull (Branch Chairman), the Rev John Budd, Rector and Mrs Ruby Magill.Mrs Ada Kirkwood (MU committee member) presided at the organ.  The church choir sang the anthem ‘Mary sang a song, a song of love’.  The congregational hymns included, ‘Take my life and let it be’ and ‘Lord for the years your love has kept and guided’.
The Derriaghy Mothers’ Union Branch was founded in 1958 and the two surviving foundation members who are still active in the branch are Mrs Olive Millar (who was unable to attend the service due to illness) and Mrs Sadie Black who carried the branch banner.
In her address Mrs Crawford wished the members of the Pictured holding the branch banner is Mrs Sadie Black, a foundation member of Derriaghy Parish Mothers’ Union Branch.branch many more years of work and witness in Derriaghy Parish.  She spoke of the need to make time for relations with families, friends, marriage, in church, at work and most important – with God, emphasising the need to listen to what God has to say.  She concluded by saying that today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday.
An anniversary gift from the MU Branch to the parish, one of a pair of benches particularly for use at weddings, was dedicated by the Rector. The second bench was dedicated the following Sunday evening at Derriaghy in memory of Mr Edward Green and Mr Cecil Green.
Supper was served in the Parochial Hall following the service.

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