A Service of Rededication of the Garden of Remembrance at St Mary’s Parish Church, Crumlin Road, Belfast, will be held on Sunday September 14.
The Act of Dedication will be performed by the rector, the Rev Canon JP Walker. The Preacher will be the Rev C Broddle, Senior Chaplain, HM Forces in Northern Ireland. Local Presbyterian and Methodist Clergy will also share in the service.
The Garden of Remembrance was first dedicated on June 15 1947 by the Rev AA Buchanan, rector and a distinguished Padre of the Second World War.
It commemorates Servicemen and Servicewomen from the parish and neighbourhood who gave their lives in the two Great Wars. The garden has recently benefited from a substantial landscaping and refurbishment scheme.
The boundary railings and gates have been renovated, and a new feature notice board has been erected. The garden has been transformed into a high quality landscaped area consisting of a mixture of granite paving, shrubbery and trees which provide a focal area within the grounds of the church.
The Service of Rededication begins at 3pm.
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