Christ Church Parish, Lisburn, has organised a wide variety of events and activities over the next few weeks.
In conjunction with other Lisburn City Centre Churches, an eight-session parenting course will be run by Care for the Family, a well respected Christian organisation. This presents an opportunity for parents to come together on a Monday night and build on many values the church holds dear in an ever changing family structure in society.
The course begins on Monday September 29 at 7.30 pm in the Island Centre, and is funded by Lisburn City Council. Topics include: You’re not alone; defending the boundaries; and teenagers.
Each Church has designated someone to facilitate discussion after the DVD presentation, and Mrs Nola Dundas, wife of the rector the Rev Paul Dundas, will represent Christ Church.
The second series of special events is Christianity Explored 2 – Tools for Growth – a Bible teaching series for eight sessions
These take place on Tuesdays in the Sports Hall with coffee in Coffee Bar at 7.20pm, continuing until 9pm with an introduction to theme by John O’Neill and group discussion
Topics are: September 30 – God’s Word; October 7 – God’s Word; October 14 – Prayer; October 21 – Prayer; October 28th – no session; November 4 – The Church; November 11 – Evangelism; November 18 – Evangelism; November 25 – Hot Potatoes.
Christ Church has been looking at its ministry to men. Mr Dundas said: “Recently I held a meeting with 10 men from the Parish to look at our ministry to men in the light of two great events during ‘Connect’ and through our review of those events we will seek to arrange two social events for men each year to start getting men in our Church together.”
The first of these is a night of 10 pin bowling at Dundonald on Wednesday October 1. Meet at the hall at 7.15 pm, and anyone intending to go should contact the rector by Sunday September 28.
Christ Church Harvest Thanksgiving Weekend gets underway on Friday October 3 with Youth Harvest at 7.30 pm. The Preacher is the Rev Willy Nixon, Carryduff, and gifts of tinned food for the Simon Community will be received.
On Sunday October 5 services are: 8.30 am Holy Communion 1: Deut 6: 1-12 & Matthew 21: 33-46 – Rev Paul Dundas; 11.30 am Morning Worship – Canon Sam Wright, Lisburn Cathedral; 6.30 pm Evening Prayer 1 – Rev John Pickering
Envelopes are available to support the work of Mission at home and throughout the world
A teaching weekend with the Rev Desi Maxwell will take place on Friday October 17 in Christ Church Hall with tea and coffee served from 7.15pm. Desi will speak twice on the theme “Back to school with Israel – Xploring God’s kingdergarten for timeless truths” starting at 7.30 pm.
Desi will explore the theme of prayer on the Friday night and on the Sunday morning at the 11.30am service. There is no cost for the Friday night but there will be an opportunity for a thanks offering.
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