Octogenarian David Meharg, a parishioner at St Thomas’s, Lisburn Road, Belfast, has penned a beautiful poem for Christmas.
Mr Meharg wrote ‘A nativity of the greatest consequence and the awful events thereafter’ more than two years ago.
By publishing the poem here, we are pleased to give Mr Meharg the opportunity to share his reflections on the Christmas story with many more people.
A parishioner of St Thomas’s since he married his late wife in 1958, Mr Meharg has only penned a few poems, but has written a profusion of song lyrics which have been enjoyed by friends and relatives over the last 60 years.
A nativity of the greatest consequence
and the awful events thereafter
Across the desert wastelands flee
Good Joseph, wife and Child,
King Herod’s victims are the three
And from his wrath exiled.
The boy Child Herod’s sworn to slay
This infant King of Kings,
No babe would take his throne away
Or change the way of things.
The baby is the Christ new born
The promised ‘Chosen One.’
God with His mantle doth adorn
This Child, His Blessed Son.
And He was born in Bethlehem
From forth a virgin’s womb.
A stable was their lodge pro-tem
For the hostel had no room.
Behind in David’s city lies
The manger of Christ’s birth,
A humble crib thence to arise
The King of Heav’n and earth.
And shepherds came to worship there
And three kings from afar.
The Saviour’s born they were aware
For they had seen His star.
To Herod’s house the Magi came
To ask of him the way,
“Now where is He this Child of fame
We’ll worship Him this day.”
The tyrant’s heart went cold with fear
He’d heard nothing of this thing
By might and right and rule severe
He was the only king.
His evil mind a scheme conjured
To be rid of the Boy,
Kill all male babes and thus assured
The Christ Child he’d destroy.
His men he sent to Bethlehem
An awful deed to do,
“Now slay for me,” he ordered them,
“Each boy child under two.”
God’s warning came in dreams by night
Bade Joseph rise and ride.
“To Egypt now thou must take flight
From Herod’s princely pride.”
Thus Jesus by His Father’s will
Was safely borne away.
His destiny yet to fulfill
And glory be His day.
Henceforth to Egypt Joseph goes
With Mary and the Child
He’s safe for now from all his foes,
His person undefiled.
One day the Christ Child will return
When Herod’s days are done.
From Nazareth then the world will learn
That God and man are one.
For He will spread His truth abroad
That those of faith may share.
His Kingdom will be one with God
And all may join Him there.
Now we of sin despair no more
For Jesus is the key,
Through Him we’ll enter Heaven’s door,
For all eternity.
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