There will be a special service of celebration in St Finnian’s Church, Cregagh, Belfast, on Tuesday March 24 at 8 pm to mark 20 years of weekly services of divine healing.
During that time many instances of healing have taken place. One of the features of the St Finnian’s service is the atmosphere of peace in the church. In addition to physical healing people have received inner healing and strengthening, had their peace restored, been renewed in their relationship with God and been given hope and encouragement for the future.
Brother David Jardine, who organises the services, said: “In addition to medical treatment this is a dimension of healing that people need to take advantage of. It can only do great good in body, mind and spirit, and there are no unpleasant side-effects to this treatment.”
The speaker at the service on March 24 will be Canon David Brown, rector of Knocknagoney Parish. Music will be led by Brian Carson, the organist, and the Music Group of West Church, Bangor.
Refreshments will be served at the end of the service.
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