Ballymacash Monday Club, which recently celebrated 20 years of friendship and fellowship with an anniversary dinner, meets every Monday from September to June.
The club has an average membership of 25, mostly ladies. There is a lunch once a month and outings at Christmas and in springtime. Other activities include quiz sessions, beetle drives, videos and speakers who attend once a month. Recent guests have included Citizens’ Advice and Restoration Ministries.
Among those who regularly attend are founder members Maud Fair, Lily Armstrong and Jean Dunn. Lily is now chairperson, and helping her run the club every week is John Moore, who has been organiser for the past eight years. The ladies range in age from early sixties to ninety and John said they were all very supportive of each other. “If any one of them has a bit of trouble or strife they really rally round to support each other,” he said.
Jessie Agnew, who has attended the Monday Club for many years, said: “I enjoy the friendship and fun and we always have a wee bit of a gossip.”
Members are all looking forward to their spring outing to the Ards Peninsula in June.
On May 11, they gave a warm welcome to Connor Diocesan Communications Officer Karen Bushby, who came to give a short talk on her work.
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