The second Three Churches Vintage Rally and Family Fun Day takes place in Armoy on June 20 from 11am until 4pm.
Last year’s rally, which was a ‘first’ for Drumtullagh, Armoy and Loughguile parish churches, was very successful and the organisers are hoping for an equally good event this year.
The village area in the centre of the field will have live music, dancing exhibitions, food and craft stalls, children’s entertainment and even a knitting tent where you can help knit squares for blankets for charity and enjoy the craic.
This year there will be more for the children, with a puppet show, lots of try-your-luck games, a bouncy assault course, face painting, plus the teddy bears’ fancy dress.
The vintage vehicles and attractions such as the thresher, stationary engines, saw mill, steam engines and the tractor-building events will all be positioned around the outer part of the field. The car boot sale will be well placed in the parking field, at the two entrances into the events field.
Entry charges are: Children from 0-11 free, secondary school students and senior citizens £2, and others £3.
On Sunday June 21 there will be a joint Festival Service in Armoy Church at 11am, with no services in Loughguile and Drumtullagh.
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