Connor Diocese MU Parenting Programme has recently made exciting inroads into the Extended Schools Programme.
This is a government sponsored initiative aimed at supporting families beyond the school curriculum. Connor MU President Moira Thom explained that a local school invited the MU to run a Parenting Course as part of their outreach to parents.
A facilitator went along to a ‘Pampering Morning’ organised by the school coordinator where she had the opportunity to present the idea of a parenting course and almost all the parents attending signed up for a six week course.
One lady gave birth during the time the course was running, missing one week, and the following week she and her husband arrived to resume the course with new baby girl in tow!
The enthusiasm of the parents led to the course being extended and a further course being booked for later this year. Since that Connor MU has marketed the Parenting Programme to all schools involved in the Extended Schools Programme within the diocese and this has generated good interest with more courses booked for the coming academic year.
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