Ballymena girls get ringing!

Wednesday October 7th 2009

The GFS girls get ringing in St Patick's, Ballymena.Eleven senior members of the GFS in Ballymena climbed the 52 steps to the ringing room of St Patrick’s Parish Church to try their hand at bellringing. 

The ringers are finding it increasingly difficult to attract young people, particularly those in the thirty plus age group, to undertake the commitment of ringing the bells for Sunday services. 

In the past the bells were used to ‘Call the People to Worship’ and this is still the prime aim.  Thanks to the GFS leaders who have promoted this exercise the parish hopes to teach three of the girls to ring. 

There will be a Ringing Trophy and badge for their display next spring to encourage these young folk to learn and hopefully become valued members of the church tower.  

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