On Tuesday October 22 the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, addressed a group of people gathered together from four churches in the Dunmurry area – the Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian, the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian and the Roman Catholic denominations.
The meeting took place in St Colman’s Parochial Hall, Dunmurry.
The topic explored the special place Scripture has within the Anglican tradition. The Bishop’s address was challenging, inspirational, interactive and informative. After his presentation he answered many questions and spoke informally during tea with many of those present.
Some of the comments after the meeting were: “That was really helpful;” “A great meeting;” “Good to be able to join together like this;” “Looking forward to the next one.”
This was the second of a series of four meetings planned for the autumn. The next one is on November 11 at St Anne’s Hall and the speaker is Fr T Bartlett who will explore the place Scripture holds within the Roman Catholic tradition
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