The Rev Jim Rea will be the guest speaker at a special service in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast on Monday, December 7 at 8 pm.
Jim is currently minister of Shankill Road Methodist Church and a former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland. He will speak on the theme of Revival.
On June 20 this year, Divine Healing Ministries launched seven years of prayer for revival in this land, exactly 150 years after the famous 1859 Revival. That spiritual movement renewed the faith of people inside and outside the Church, and even had a transforming effect upon society itself.
Brother David Jardine, director of Divine Healing Ministries, said: “It is our fervent hope that that is what will happen through our current prayers for revival. Certainly, that is what our country needs at this time. Great progress has been made in the last 15 years, but in the whole area of relationships much still needs to be done. Ancient enemies are struggling to be able to work together.”
Bro Jardine, one of the organisers of the service added: “In the 1859 Revival 100,000 people were brought to a new and living faith. Many new churches had to be built to accommodate them. There was also a falling crime rate and a growth in honesty, family love, common courtesy and the way people treated one another. We need all of that today, and much more, so that hurts can be healed and relationships renewed.”
Worship will be led by Paul and Beulah Shields from West Church, Bangor. Prayer for healing and anointing with oil will also be available.
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