There will be a day of prayer for the revival of the faith in this land on Saturday, June 26 in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.
This is part of seven years of prayer for revival organised by interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries. There are parts of the world which are experiencing huge revivals – China, Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, to name but a few. The word revival means ‘to bring to life again’.
That starts with those within the Church, but it also extends outside, and there is often a dramatic effect upon society itself. In the 1859 Revival in Ireland churches were crowded, families prayed together, all classes, all age groups sought the Lord for salvation and did not seek in vain. Prayer meetings often carried on all night.
Brother David Jardine, one of the organisers of the event on June 26, said: “We will be led on that day by speakers from a variety of Christian traditions – Sister Eibhlín Hegarty, a Dominican sister, Rev Jim Rea, former President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, Rev Ruth Patterson and Canon Tom Keightley. Much of the prayer will be in silence. People will be free to come and go as they please. Refreshments will be served throughout the day in the Cathedral Hall.”
Bro Jardine cited a famous preacher who said on one occasion that revival has been God’s way of keeping the Church alive. “The Christian Church would have been dead and finished centuries ago and many times over were it not for revivals,” he added.
The day of prayer runs from 10.30am until 3.30pm.
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