Preaching at a service of Choral Eucharist in St Anne’s Cathedral on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the Dean of Belfast has called for churches to ‘explore the channels of faith dialogue.’
The cost in terms of human life, as well as the economic and social effects of the events in the USA 10 years ago, demands the Church does this, the Very Rev John Mann stated.
“Religious extremism apart, the central path of the religious life of the world faiths is largely one that seeks dialogue. The basis upon which dialogue can take place between faith groups centres on a crucial principle, that of mutual recognition of the fundamental integrity of the other faith communities with which engagement is taking place.”
A single candle burned throughout the 11am service in the Cathedral from an opening moment of remembrance and during prayers and intercessions.
Dean Mann told the congregation: “We commemorate, we remember, we pray, conscious that in doing these things we are pleading within for a peaceful world; hearts at peace; communities at peace; where justice and compassion and mercy are not at the beck and call of the powerful.”
The full text of Dean Mann’s sermon can be downloaded here.
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