Connor’s Pastoral Support for Clergy Team held an official ‘launch’ of its new leaflet at the January meeting the Continuing Education in Ministry group.
The Bishop of Connor the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy endorsed the leaflet along with Archdeacons and members of the team.
Each clergy family received a copy of the leaflet in the post in December last year, giving them information about the kind of support available to clergy and their spouses in Connor Diocese.
Laurie Randall, of the Pastoral Support Team, said: “We are keen to remind clergy that we are available to meet with them, on a confidential basis, to talk through the challenges faced within their ministry.
“We hope to encourage good habits amongst clergy that help to maintain health and foster continued professional development. We recognise that ministry can be a tough and lonely experience on occasions and it is important that we care for the carers.”
The team hopes that members of the clergy and their spouses will feel free to get in touch to arrange a chat as needed. Team members are Laurie Randall, Canon Raynond Fox and the Rev Carol Harvey. For contact details, click on the Support for Clergy link to the left of this page.
During the launch of the leaflet, Laurie used her artistic skills to shape leaflets into a boat to literally ‘launch’ them into the diocese!
Photographs courtesy of the Rev Ken Houston.
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