The Bishop of Connor delivered his third and final Lent seminar on the topic of Gospel and Culture in All Saints’ Parish Church, Antrim, on Monday March 26.
Over the course of the three seminars at different venues in the diocese, more than 500 people heard theRt Rev Alan Abernethy explore how today’s culture is impacting on the Church.
The seminars were an introduction to the Diocesan Vision Strategy, and the process of devising this strategy continues with a series of meetings for parishes in each Rural Deanery. The first takes place on April 17 in St Peter’s, Antrim Road, Belfast.
For a full list of Rural Deanery Meetings and further information on the Vision Strategy launch, please follow the Vision Strategy link to the left of this page.
The final seminar took place in All Saints’ Church. Mid way through the Bishop’s talk, everyone broke for refresments served in the nearby parish hall, and this was an opportunity for people from many different parishes to get together and to have a browse at the Good Book Shop stall. Tea was served by the ladies of Antrim Parish, and was enjoyed by all.
Please visit our Photo Gallery (follow the link to the left of this page) for more photos of the Bishop’s Antrim Seminar.
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