The Central Communications Board’s annual Magazine, Website and Social Media Competition 2012 is now open.
Entries within each category detailed below are invited from Church of Ireland parishes, dioceses and associated organisations as well as individuals whose blogging or social networking activity clearly relate to Church activity/outreach/witness.
Quality of presentation, strength of editorial content and outreach potential are once again to be the standards of excellence against which entries will be judged.
The closing date is Wednesday April 18 2012. Winners will be announced at the General Synod taking place in Christ Church Cathedral Dublin from May 10–12.
Launching this year’s competition, CCB Chairman, the Rt Rev Trevor Williams, said: “The Church can’t exist without communication, and it can’t thrive without good communication. So let’s celebrate those who work hard to tell the Good News in some shape or form. Their commitment shouldn’t go unacknowledged.’
In the Magazine section entries are invited in three print media categories:
• Diocesan Magazines
• Parish Magazine/Newsletter
• Church of Ireland affiliated organisation Magazine/Newsletter
In the Website section entries are invited in three categories:
• Diocesan Website
• Parish Website
• Church of Ireland affiliated organisation Website
In the Social Media section:
• Most innovative use of Interactive Communication Technologies (ICT) or ‘social media’ over and beyond standard websites, eg: blogs, podcasts or social networking or content–sharing websites
Entries are welcome from any committee or group associated with the Church of Ireland.
Please obtain an entry form from the Church of Ireland Press Office (by email: or phone: from NI 028 9082 8880, from RoI 048 9082 8880) and send entries as follows:
Magazines and newsletters – one recent copy – to Jenny Compston, Press Office, Church of Ireland House, 61–67 Donegall St, Belfast, BT 1 2QH, Northern Ireland.
Websites, please supply an e–mail containing the URL to:
Social Media, please send an example or link including a description of the technology, how applied and the objective of the initiative to Jenny Compston, Press Office, Church of Ireland House, 61–67 Donegall St, Belfast, BT 1 2QH, Northern Ireland or to
Remember: the closing date for entries is Wednesday April 18 2012
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