Canon Sam Wright, rector of Lisburn Cathedral and a member of the Connor team recently returned from South Sudan, did a presentation on the trip in the Cathedral on Sunday January 27.
Judith Cairns, a parishioner of Lisburn Cathedral and Chief Executive of the Waringstown–based Love for Life was part of the team which visited Connor’s partner Diocese of Yei, and Judith also shared her thoughts on the 10 day visit.
The eight strong team delivered clergy training, youth training and health training. They visited Mongo Primary School, built by donations from Connor parishes and individuals, and met three teachers now working in Mongo whose training was paid for by Connor parishes. The team also attended Yei Diocesan Synod where Bishop Alan Abernethy and Bishop Hilary of Yei signed a new Partnership Agreement.
Team members spoke at a youth camp attended by 300 young people from across the diocese of Yei, and met members of Connor Mothers’ Union.
To listen to Sam’s presentation in Lisburn Cathedral, please follow this link.
To view a comprehensive web album of the trip, please click here.
The META (Mission Experience Team Abroad) was facilitated by CMS Ireland and there will be full coverage in the February issue of the diocesan magazine Connor Connections, out later this month.
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