Community fundraiser at Derryvolgie Parish

Friday February 15th 2013

Photos by John Kelly

A community event and fundraiser was held at Derryvolgie Parish church on Saturday February 9. Organised by the parish events committee, the morning’s activities raised £1250.

Gill Spence serving a low calorie fry up to the Rev Stephen McElhinney, his wife Cathy and their daughter Ruby at the Derryvolgie community event.
Jessica and Danielle with their dad Colin and grandmother Linda at a community event and fundraiser at Derryvolgie Parish Church.









Isabel Kirkwood and Dorothy Anderson pictured with some of the cup cakes on display at their cake stall.


Derryvolgie Sunday School teacher Noreen Kavanagh and Hannah Perry pictured at the toy stall at a community event and fundraiser at Derryvolgie Parish Church on Saturday 9th February.









Preparing breakfasts are L to R: Stewart Gavin, Rhonda Gavin, Maureen Hughes, Valerie Scott, Ross Meneely, Margaret Perry and Thelma Campbell. Ross, a student at Belfast Bible College, was on placement at Derryvolgie for four weeks in January.








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