The CPAS Ireland Advisory Group held a day conference on the theme of ‘Change Makers’ on Thursday March 7 in Christ Church Parish Lisburn.
John Dunnett, General Director of CPAS (Church Pastoral Aid Society) led the conference and the day was filled with teaching, interaction, stories from the Rev Paul McAdam and the Rev Paul Dundas, reflection and tools to implement change in the life of parishes for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
A second ‘Change Makers’ conference will be held on Thursday May 16 in Christ Church Lisburn with John Dunnett again leading the conference.
Places can be booked via the CPAS website but any enquiries can be directed to the Rev Paul Dundas at The cost is £20 which includes morning coffee and scones and lunch. The day begins at 10.00 am and finishes at 3.30 pm.
A conference on ‘Mentoring’ is planned for Saturday October 19 with James Lawrence and this will be held at the same venue.
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