Report and pictures by John Kelly
A Maundy Thursday service in Lambeg Parish Church on March 28 was one of 13 special events and services held during an outreach campaign entitled ‘Bridge to Life’ at the Church and The Hilden Centre in the run up to Easter.
The guest speaker at all the events and services was The Rt Rev Kenneth Clarke, Mission Director of SAMS UK and Ireland.
Outreach events ran from Wednesday March 20 to Thursday March 28 and included worship in the parish church, a special evening for the Girls’ Brigade and their parents, a ladies’ evening, a men’s breakfast and a bowling tournament.
The rector, the Rev Canon Ken McReynolds, said: “The weather conditions for the first few events on Thursday, Friday and Saturday were terrible and although we considered cancelling some events, everything went ahead as planned and the ladies event on Friday 22nd turned out to be a great evening and was very well attended.”
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