The Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal has responded to the humanitarian crisis in Syria by releasing €5,000 and £5,000 to ease the suffering of displaced Syrian people.
The emergency release of the funds has been approved by Archbishop Richard Clarke and Archbishop Michael Jackson.
The money will be immediately directed to Syria as part of a wider Church of Ireland disaster relief effort. In addition to this, Bishops’ Appeal is urging parishes and individuals to contribute to the aid efforts in this time of increasing crisis.
Bishops’ Appeal will direct donations to where they will have most impact among those displaced in Syria and those seeking refuge beyond Syrian borders. To date, two million people are internally displaced and a further one million have fled to seek refuge in Lebanon and Iraq.
Donations received through the Church of Ireland fund will be split between the work of Christian Aid and Tearfund and their partner churches and development agencies on the ground. The primary concern is for basic food and shelter for those who have had to flee their homes.
At this time Bishops’ Appeal asks people to pray for peace and to pray for families who have lost loved ones, who have been separated from each other, and for all who have had to flee, recognising that all have an important role to play in ensuring that people receive their basic needs.
Parish and individual donations will be greatly appreciated. Please send donations to Bishops’ Appeal, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6.
For further information please contact Bishops’ Appeal Education Advisor Lydia Monds: 01 4125610;
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