Beautiful Carnlough village was the setting on July 28 for the commissioning by the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, of two lay–readers for service in the diocese.
Dougie Tyler, originally from Co Tyrone, has lived in Carnlough since 1981, and manages a Barnardo’s family support service for the Northern Trust. Married to Anne, they have three children. Dougie said he is very much looking forward to the challenges of being a lay–reader.
Jonathan McFarland grew up in Willowfield Parish in East Belfast but now worships in Greenisland. He is married to Jacqueline and they have three children. He is looking forward to being part of the ministry team in Carrickfergus for his mentoring year.
The large congregation heard the preacher, the Rev Canon Peter McDowell, remind them of the necessity to build good Samaritan communities in their churches, places where compassionate, practical and costly service is lived out.
Jonathan will serve an initial training year in Carrickfergus, and Dougie in Ballymena.
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