Eight–year–old Chloe Bond from Ballymoney Parish swam one mile sponsored by her family and parishioners to raise funds for a local CAP (Christians Against Poverty) Centre.
Chloe completed her swim in the Joey Dunlop Leisure Centre on August 12 watched by her rector, family and parishioners. Chloe’s dad Allan is a Parish Reader in St Patrick’s and her grandad is the Very Rev John Bond, Dean of Connor. To date Chloe has raised £520.
Chloe was inspired to undertake this challenge when she heard her local rector, the Rev Andrew Sweeney, announce his ambition to open a CAP Centre based in St Patrick’s to serve the whole community in Ballymoney.
Each year, Christians Against Poverty helps 20,000 people find their way out of debt. CAP works out fair budgets, negotiates with creditors and can take people through insolvency.
Chloe said she was proud to be able to use her passion for swimming to help her local community.
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