The Archbishop of Canterbury addresses the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches meeting in the Republic of Korea.
The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, is attending the Assembly on behalf of the Church of Ireland at the request of the Standing Committee of the General Synod, as nominated by the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue
He writes from Busan, Korea
Day one / two:
For lunch on Thursday I visited a ‘Pizza Hut’ and no it wasn’t a pizza but some spaghetti!
The afternoon continued with a business meeting of the Assembly. The main business was about the process of elections to various WCC committees and reports on how this would be taken forward. Over the next few days there will be nominations for these posts. It was interesting as I was able to exercise my voting rights as a delegate representing the Church of Ireland.
The afternoon also included a regional meeting of European delegates and an ecumenical conversation about theological education and ecumenical implications.
On Thursday night I managed to catch up on some of those lost nine hours jet lag.
Today (Friday) has started with morning prayer and a bible study form the book of Amos about justice.
We are at present receiving greetings from the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Earlier reports submitted by Bishop Alan can be read below:
Day One:
I have arrived safe and well after a long journey. Flew from Dublin to Amsterdam, Amsterdam to Seoul and Seoul to Busan. The time difference is 9 hours, my body clock is struggling as I have lost 9 hours somewhere.
My participation at the conference began this morning with prayers at 8:30. A fascinating new simple liturgical structure, with African singing and prayers in different languages concluding with the Lord’s Prayer said in our own native tongue.
This morning’s plenary was opened by a special visit from the Prime Minister of the Republic of Korea. Then followed a reflection on the church’s role in justice led by different speakers.
Two highlights were a presentation regarding HIV/ Aids and what has happened in the numbers of people treated and the hope that no child will be born with this disease very soon. Secondly a reflection on the theology of victims modelled and incarnated by Jesus.
It is only lunch time on first day so much more to come.
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