Being with Christians from all over the world ‘inspirational’

Wednesday November 13th 2013

Bishop Alan preaching (with an interpreter) in Busan Cathedral during the WCC Assembly.The Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, has arrived home safe and well from Busan, Republic of Korea, where he was attending the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches.

The Bishop was one of 3,000 delegates. He was asked to attend by the Standing Committee of the General Synod of the Church of Ireland, as nominated by the Commission for Christian Unity and Dialogue.

During the Assembly, Bishop Alan was elected to the WCC Central Committee to represent the Church of Ireland. This website carried his daily reports from Busan, and these can be read in full here.

Following a rest after his arrival back in Belfast, Bishop Alan writes:

The journey home was long but every flight was on time. Busan to Japan, Japan to Paris, Paris to Dublin and then home. It was wonderful to be home again after the long journey and so far from home. Thank you for your prayers and for journeying mercies.

It was a privilege to have been In Busan for the 10th WCC Assembly. The inspiration of being with Christians from all over the world, to worship, study and share friendship together was very special. To be disturbed by some of their stories living the faith in some very difficult circumstances. To be challenged to recommit myself to work and pray for the unity of Christ’s church for which he prayed.

I had my first WCC Central Committee meeting on the last evening of the Assembly and it took a few hours to elect the new executive committee. We meet again in July in Geneva and it will be intriguing to discuss this conference and see how they want to live out the faith.


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