The Bible Society recently hosted an event in Belfast City Hall to celebrate the launch of the Bible App.
This is a means to download 700 versions of the Bible in over 450 languages from the Digital Bible Library – completely free. And so anyone can carry the Bible text with them on their smartphone, tablet or laptop.
In English, there is a choice of 38 versions encompassing everything from the KJV to the more modern ESV, NIV and the Message.
In a statement The Bible Society said: “This represents a huge opportunity to encourage young people to engage with Scripture as the smart phone is now the easiest and best medium with which to reach them. Increasingly in our church Services we can see young people following the Scripture passages on their phone.”
The Society said the growth of the ‘YouVersion’ service had been phenomenal with 16 million Bibles downloaded since July, and more than 116 million to date. And it is easy to access: go to or search for YouVersion in the App store.
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