Bishop speaks in Jordanstown as part of Lenten series

Tuesday March 11th 2014

Bishop Alan delivers his first seminar in Jordanstown.Photo Album

The Bishop of Connor’s Lenten seminar series on Discipleship and Ministry rolled into the halls of St Patrick’s Parish, Jordanstown, on March 10.

More than 100 people from parishes across north Belfast and Antrim were welcomed, along with Bishop Alan Abernethy, by the Rev Canon Nigel Baylor, rector of St Patrick’s.

Canon Baylor made special mention of parishioner Billy Noble, who had received a visit from Bishop Alan earlier that evening to mark Billy’s 105th birthday!

Edward Convill, St Mary's Crumlin Road, Belfast, and the Rev Colin Hall-Thompson, Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers, catch up during the first seminar in Jordanstown.Bishop Alan spoke about how much energy in church is consumed with concerns about buildings, finance and structures, and said a division had been created between the secular and the sacred. At times, Sunday worship does not connect with everyday life, he added.

During the course of the evening he looked at the definition of a disciple and examined core issues for disciples today.

After questions there was a break for refreshments and fellowship midway through the seminar and people had the opportunity to browse The Book Well stall run by Richard Ryan. Bishop Alan answered further questions at the end of the evening.

He will deliver two seminars in Bushmills, Jordanstown Parish Centre, and Christ Church, Lisburn.

The dates and venues of future seminars are as follows:

Tuesday 18th March Christ Church, Lisburn (church)

Tuesday 25th March Bushmills Parish Centre
Tuesday 1st April Jordanstown Parish Centre
Monday 7th April Christ Church, Lisburn (church)

All Lenten courses will commence at 7.30pm.

A booking form can be downloaded here. Rectors are asked to please advise Bishop’s Secretary Rosemary Patterson of numbers attending.

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