The Church of Ireland Central Communications Board’s annual Magazine, Website and Social Media Competition is now open for entries.
Church of Ireland parishes, dioceses and associated organisations as well as individuals whose social media activity clearly relates to Church activity/outreach/witness are invited to submit an entry.
An entry form can be downloaded here.
Quality of presentation, strength of content and outreach potential are once again to be the standards of excellence against which entries will be judged. The closing date is Friday April 11 2014. Winners will be announced at the General Synod in Christ Church Cathedral Dublin in May.
A statement from the Central Communications Board reads: “Parish and Diocesan magazines are important for the exchange of news and views across Church communities and printed media continues to play a vital role within the life of the Church of Ireland.
“In addition, websites are now firmly established as vehicles which allow the wider community to know about and participate in the life of the Church of Ireland, whether in parishes, dioceses or organisations, as well as helping ‘internal communications’ by providing the hub for information and enabling increasing interaction.
“Beyond this, social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, E–zines, Flickr, along with Vimeo and YouTube video content and blogs have created two–way platforms for communications, providing a potentially vast audience and offering innovative ways to assist in the Church’s ministry.
“Within the Church of Ireland there are good examples of how all these various forms of communication are being used to build Christian community and communicate the Christian faith. This competition is an opportunity to learn what others are doing, to showcase good work and to join in.”
Board Chairman, the Rt Rev Trevor Williams, said: “Progress is only possible with good communication. Without it confusion and disintegration are inevitable. As a Church, those who assist our communications assist us in living as the Body of Christ. Communications is a ministry we value and want to develop.
“This competition is more than finding winners. The intention of this competition is to learn from one another, to encourage more people to get involved, and to express our gratitude to all who serve the Church so faithfully in the ministry of communication.”
In the Magazine section entries are invited in three print media categories:
• Diocesan Magazine
• Parish Magazine/Newsletter
• Church of Ireland affiliated organisation Magazine/Newsletter
In the Website section entries are invited in three categories:
• Diocesan Website
• Parish Website
• Church of Ireland affiliated organisation Website
In the Social Media and Blogs section, two categories:
• Most innovative use of social media e.g. Facebook, Twitter, E–bulletin etc
• Most engaging Blog
Entries are welcome from any committee or group associated with the Church of Ireland.
Please obtain an entry form for Magazines, Websites, and Social Media categories from Jenny Compston, Church of Ireland Press Office (by email: or phone: from NI 028 9082 8880, from RoI 048 9082 8880) and send entries as follows:
N.B. Magazines and Newsletters – one recent copy – must be sent in hard copy with entry form to Jenny Compston, Press Office, Church of Ireland House, 61–67 Donegall St, Belfast, BT 1 2QH, Northern Ireland.
Website and Social Media entry forms should be sent with an example or link including a description of the technology, how applied and the objective of the initiative to Jenny Compston, Press Office, Church of Ireland House, 61–67 Donegall St, Belfast, BT 1 2QH, Northern Ireland or to .
Further information is available from:
Church of Ireland Press Office
Church of Ireland House
61–67 Donegall Street
Belfast BT1 2QH
T. +44 (0) 28 9082 8880
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