A Passion for Life in St Patrick’s, Coleraine

Friday March 28th 2014

Passion for Life, Coleraine.Former Sky News presenter Dave Blevins and renowned local artist Ross Wilson will be among the guests being interviewed during Passion for Life, a week of mission at St Patrick’s Parish, Coleraine.

St Patrick’s will be the hub of this far reaching mission which involves 12 local churches.

Running during the week before Holy Week, from Sunday April 6 until Sunday April 13, Passion for Life will bring the Christian message to literally thousands of people in an engaging way, with celebrities and members of the local community stepping up to talk about what God has done in their lives.

There will be music, arts, food, a youth programme, and much, much more. Keynote speaker is Pete Woodcock from the Cornerstone Church, Kingston, London. The rector of St Patrick’s, the Rev Roger Cooke, said: “Pete is a fantastic communicator with a great story to tell and he will be speaking from John’s Gospel every evening throughout the week.”

The events will all be based around St Patrick’s Church, with the former XtraVision premises nearby being converted to a pop–up café cum arts gallery cum after hours music venue.

Children's event: Passion for Life“The format of each get–together is going to be very informal and relaxed,” Roger said. “After the initial welcome, one of our guest musicians will perform a couple of songs before we interview a member of the community or a local celebrity about the different their faith makes in everyday life.”

The Week opens on Sunday 6 with a VIP guest interview. On the Monday Dave Blevins finds himself on the receiving end of the questions for a change. Over the years the former Sky News presenter has interviewed world leaders like Tony Blair and Bill Clinton and has covered events including 9/11 and the Omagh bombing.

The following evening Dickie and Janice Barr, founders of Love4Live and parents of Charlene, share their experiences of love and loss within the family.

Men's Breakfast: Passion for LifeOn Wednesday artist Ross Wilson will tell how God has journeyed with him from growing up on a Belfast council estate at the height of the troubles to becoming an artist with an international reputation working cross community with local paramilitaries.

Passion for Life is a UK–wide venture encouraging local churches to work together to reach out to their surrounding communities within the Gospel. In Coleraine if involves 12 churhes along with Exodus and Scripture Union. You can download a full programme for Passion for Life here.
Youth Night: Passion for Life



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