St Patrick’s Jordanstown’s Spotlight is winning parish magazine!

Monday May 12th 2014

St Patrick's magazine Spotlight.St Patrick’s Parish, Jordanstown, was the winner of the best parish magazine accolade in the annual Church of Ireland communications competition.

Results were announced at General Synod on Saturday May 10 by the Rt Rev Trevor Williams, Bishop of Limerick and Chairman of the Central Communications Board.

Another Connor winner was Connor’s MU’s In Touch magazine which took the prize in the ‘other’ organisations printed publications category, while the Diocese of Connor magazine Connor Connections was Highly Commended in the diocesan magazine category.

The competition was run by the Church of Ireland Press Office but externally and professionally judged. This year, the prizes in the Websites and Social Media categories were generously sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance.

There was praise to all the entrants for their efforts in communicating within their own contexts in each category, with convincing evidence of communication work of a high standard across the island. Constructive feedback is available for all entrants – please get in touch with the Church of Ireland’s Press Officer, Paul Harron.

Judge Derek Rodgers receives the award for best parish magazine from Archbishop Clarke on behalf of St Patrick's Jordanstown.Awarding first prize to the Jordanstown parish magazine Spotlight, the judges said it immediately stood out for its ‘strong and consistent design, comprehensive content and thoughtful touches’ They added: “The team responsible deserve praise and Spotlight sets a high standard for other magazines in the Church of Ireland.’

Connor’s MU’s in touch, which consistently performs well in this competition was praised by the judges for its ‘good newsy content strong use of colour and photographs.’

In being awarded Highly Commended, the diocesan magazine Connor Connections was described as having ‘especially strong story content.’



The full list of winners is:

Print publications

In the Parish magazines/newsletters category, there were many entries in various different formats: some were straightforward monthlies, modestly produced, while others were produced quarterly and very professionally designed and produced.

• Winner: ‘Spotlight’ – the magazine of St Patrick’s Church, Jordanstown
The judges said: ‘This is a highly credible publication which immediately stood out for its strong and consistent design, comprehensive content and thoughtful touches, such as
The Rev Clifford Skillen collects the Award for Connor MU's In Touch magazine on behalf of editor Alison Skillen.the ‘pull out and keep’ calendar. The team responsible deserve praise and Spotlight sets a high standard for other magazines in the Church of Ireland.’

• Joint Runner Up: ‘The Obelisk’ – A Killiney Newsletter (Holy Trinity Killiney)
The judges said: ‘Clean design and presentation, full and easily accessed contact information, plenty of diary information about future services and events, updates on parish and community activities. A credible magazine to be distributed beyond the parish family.’

• Joint Runner Up: ‘Rossory News’
The judges praised Rossory News especially for its good use of photographs and good contacts list accompanied by useful explanations of each organisation and activity.

In the Diocesan magazines category –

• Winner: Derry & Raphoe Dioceses’ N:Vision
The judges said: ‘Derry & Raphoe’s N:Vision is an outstanding magazine in terms of design, identity and content – a highly credible publication.’

• Runner Up: The Clogher Diocesan Magazine
The redesigned magazine was praised for ‘being full of information providing a really good overview of life in the diocese’.

• Highly Commended – Connor Connections
Connor Connections is noted for its ‘especially strong story content’.

• Highly Commended – Tidings – Tuam, Killala and Achonry
The magazine has shown impressive improvement and ‘stands out for its superb front page imagery’.

In the ‘Other’ organizations Printed Publications category –

• Winner goes once again to In Touch with Connor Diocese Mothers’ Union
This magazine sustains its strong position. The judges liked its ‘good newsy content strong use of colour and photographs’.

Websites and Social Media – this year generously sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance

In the Websites category the external judges looked for innovation, freshness, quality of design and layout and outreach potential.

In the Parish websites category –

• Winner: Carrigaline Union of Parishes
This website impressed for its clear layout and the information it provided and in its balance of text and image.

• Runner Up: St Matthias Parish, Dublin
This parish website’s simplicity and clarity was praised as was the ease of navigation around it.

In the Diocesan websites category –

• Winner: Down & Dromore
The Down & Dromore diocesan website has ‘a good clear layout and design, is easy to navigate and has a good balance of image and text. It scores particularly well on its outreach potential with the clarity of information making it a very effective communication tool’.

• Runner Up: Dublin & Glendalough
This site was considered to be ‘very informative with a good balance of images and text with strong coverage of news and events’.

• Highly Commended: Derry & Raphoe Youth
This site has been praised for its ‘Being bright and bold!’

In the ‘Other’ affiliated organizations websites category –

• Winner: The Dock Café
This was judged to be ‘clear, attractive and easy to navigate. It communicates a message of life and what it is about more than simply imparting information.’

• Runner Up: The Book Well
‘Simplicity of presentation which is fresh and does what it says – sells books but does so with personality and warmth!’

Social media. Here, the competition was looking to see how churches, church organizations and members engaged with innovative developments in social networking and this year included a new prize for the most innovative social media development by a parish:

Most innovative Social Media Development by a Parish Prize:
Charity Vintage Tea Rooms Facebook page, St Mary’s, Dungarvan (Lismore)
‘This shows a strong following with regular engagement with posts. Great use of photographs and very pro–active in promoting regular events and activities.’

Social Media Winner: Willowfield Parish Twitter and Facebook
This parish’s communications activity via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Vimeo is ‘a very good example of social media being managed well, with varied and regular updates and engagement’.

Runner up: The Book Well Facebook
‘Good engagement with posts and regular and relevant postings. Friendly and informative.’


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