New Wine Ireland Sligo Summer Conference

Friday May 16th 2014

Sligo 14

New Wine Ireland will hold its Sligo Summer Conference 2014 at the Institute of Technology, Sligo, from July 6–11.

Speakers will include Alain Emerson (24–7 Ireland), David McClay (Willowfield), Peter Lynas (EANI), Mark Bailey (Trinity Cheltenham), Steve Morris (Community Church Essex), Jeannie Morgan (Soul Survivor), while David Parker from Desert Vineyard California will do the bible teaching sessions every morning.

As always, there will be first class programmes running for all ages, from under five upwards. There will be sessions on marriage and parenting, on praying for the sick, worship, hearing God, using the gifts of the Spirit, dealing with depression, preventing suicide, breaking addiction.

Our Place is a programme run for adults with learning disabilities and there are lots of spaces for planned and spontaneous community events.

You can book your place online at before May 31 to take advantage of the discounted rate or contact the office to find out about booking part time places.


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