There is plenty to look forward to for young people thinking of signing up for Engage Connor Youth’s Take the Castle weekend in Castlewellan from September 5–7.
The weekend gets underway with registration from 7–8pm on the Friday evening, followed by games to help everyone get to know each other, worship, a late night walk around the lake if weather permits, or possibly an indoor treasure hunt if it is wet, a hot dog supper and, to finish the night off, a disco in the cellar!
Saturday kicks off with a morning of worship and teaching, followed by an afternoon of activities including a Knights and Jesters It’s a Knockout in the Castle Grounds, a visit to the maze and maybe even a scavenger hunt. There will be more crazy games after dinner and evening worship before things calm down with Saturday night supper.
Sunday morning features worship and teaching, time for reflection before the chair of Engage Connor Youth, the Rev Peter Ferguson, sums up the weekend, reflects on the message of the event and looks forward to future events.
The teaching programme is as follows:
• Friday evening – The Enemy (Ephesians 6:10–12)
• Saturday morning – The Equipment (Ephesians 6:13–17)
• Saturday evening – The Energy (Ephesians 6:18–20)
• Sunday morning – The Encouragement (Ephesians 6:21–24)
The weekend takes place in the beautiful Castlewellan Castle on the shores of Castlewellan Lake in County Down.
Peter said: “Our theme is You’re in the Army Now! Living in the Lordship of Christ (Ephesians 6) looking at areas of Christian discipleship such as identity, courage and prayer.” He promised this would be a weekend of fun and fellowship.
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