More than 600 people packed into St Anne’s Cathedral for a Service of Compline during Culture Night in Belfast on Friday September 19. Photo Gallery.
During the course of night when Belfast’s Cathedral Quarter was quite literally vibrating with life, music, art, colour and culture, well over 1,000 people passed through the Cathedral doors to enjoy a number of services, performances and concerts, or to simply look around.
A beautiful service of Choral Evensong at 5.30pm drew the crowds. This was followed by a very enjoyable performance of Jonah Man Jazz by the Cathedral Girls’ Choir. Crowds later showed their appreciation of a concert by Joni Mitchell Tribute Band Shadows & Light, and in the Crypt Platform Performing Arts Group staged an atmospheric show entitled ‘Expected’
The Compline Service again showcased the talents of the hard working Girls’ Choir and the evening inside the Cathedral concluded with a concert of haunting instrumental music and song by the band Ghosts.
The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, reflects on Culture Night in his blog.
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