Councillor Mrs Audrey Wales MBE, Mayor of Ballymena; Mrs Sadie Johnston, Festival Co-ordinator; the Very Rev JFA Bond, Dean of Connor and the Rev Adrian Halligan.
A Christmas Tree Festival on the theme ‘Word of The Lord’ proved a very happy and enjoyable event for St Patrick’s Church, Broughshane.
The Festival, which ran from November 27-29, was co-ordinated by Mrs Sadie Johnston and was opened by Councillor Mrs Audrey Wales MBE, Mayor of Ballymena.
The rector, the Very Rev John Bond, Dean of Connor, said the Festival aimed to help people “to rediscover the meaning and message of God’s unique and unconditional love in the Gift of His Son our Saviour Jesus Christ”.
Dean Bond added: “The festival brought together the skills and talents of parishioners of all ages and attracted people from far and wide. It concluded with a Christingle Service and St Patrick’s Church was packed to overflowing.”
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