You can now read the first update from the Mission Experience Team Abroad (META) made up of members of two Connor parishes currently in Nepal for a two-week visit.
The team leaders are the Rev Bill Boyce (St Brigid’s, Glengormley) and Canon John McCammon (St Patrick’s, Coleraine) who are joined by Nevin Kidd, Eleanor Boyce, Peter Kirch (all St Brigid’s) and Alan Robinson (St Patrick’s).
While there, the team will be helping facilitate a leadership training conference with SD Church in Kathmandu. They will also visit one of the remote ‘house churches’ supported by SD Church.
This is a first visit to Nepal for the some of the team members, while Nevin and Bill are making their third visit. The trip is facilitated by Church Mission Society Ireland (CMSI). Updates are posted on the CMSI website and links will be added here during the visit.
Meantime Dr Frank Dobbs, Agherton Parish, flew to Connor’s link diocese of Yei in South Sudan, on January 8 with a team led by CMSI’s Jenny Smyth.
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