Cathedral offers space for reflection during Lent

Friday February 20th 2015

Belfast Cross (Photo credit: Neonman)

Belfast Cross (Photo credit: Neonman)

Belfast Cathedral wants to facilitate personal study and quiet days and is therefore opening up space each Wednesday during Lent for reading and reflection.

The cathedral library provides a comfortable space with well-stocked shelves and Wi-Fi. Photocopying and printing can be facilitated. The library catalogue can be accessed by the cathedral website.

Space for quiet and private prayer is available for those who wish it and spiritual direction will be available by arrangement.

Visitors are invited to come for Holy Communion at 8.30am in the Chapel of Unity and leave after Choral Evensong finishes at 6.15pm.

Tea and Coffee facilities are available and a soup and sandwich lunch can be provided on request. A nominal price of £5 covers refreshments, lunch and parking in the cathedral car park.

The Space for Reflections days are available to serving and retired Clergy and Lay Readers. A warm welcome is extended to all denominations.

The Wednesday in Lent dates are:

  • Wednesday 25 February
  • Wednesday 4 March
  • Wednesday 11 March
  • Wednesday 18 March
  • Wednesday 25 March
  • Wednesday 1 April

If Wednesdays are not convenient, please contact St Anne’s and the cathedral will aim to accommodate you on a day that does.

To register please contact Marie Devlin by telephone on 028 9032 8332 or email

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