Connor Mission Support Fund now open for applications

Friday March 6th 2015

Members of the Connor Yei team in South Sudan in 2013. The team benefited from a Mission Support Fund grant.

Members of the Connor Yei team after preaching in Longamere village in South Sudan in 2013. The team benefited from a Mission Support Fund grant.

Applications are invited from anyone in a parish in Connor Diocese seeking financial support from Connor Mission Support Fund for mission work.

The Fund is administered by Connor Council for Mission which is keen to deepen a sense of mission throughout all parishes within the diocese. It was first launched in 2008.

The Council is aware that many individuals would like to get involved but enthusiasm can be dampened by a lack of resources to complete the task. The Connor Mission Support Fund can provide assistance to a number of people wanting to be more fully involved both at home and overseas.

  • Applications will be welcome from any individual who seeks to become actively involved in mission either in Ireland or around the world. Parish Group Applications may also be made.
  • Applicants should be able to demonstrate active membership of the Church of Ireland and belong to a Parish within the Diocese of Connor.
  • Applicants should complete and submit a ‘Mission Support Fund Application Form’. All applications will be considered and a response made in writing.   Applicants may be required to attend an interview.
  • Grants will be awarded to successful applicants by June 30 each year. Applications should reach Connor Council for Mission by Friday May 22 2015.
  • Applicants will be required to provide Connor Council for Mission with a written reference from their rector in support of their application.
  • The aim of the Fund is to make a percentage contribution towards the expense of the proposed mission activity. In no cases will the fund provide 100% of the estimated cost.
  • After completion of the proposed mission activity a short report shall be provided to Connor Council for Mission, including details of how the mission activity has benefitted the applicant, your home parish and the church where you have served.

In the past, the Mission Support Fund has helped individuals and teams including the Connor team which visited Yei, South Sudan, in 2013, Grace Park from Magheragall who spent a year working in Cambodia and Daniel Gill, from Monkstown Parish who was supported in his training to be a pilot with the Mission Aviation Federation.

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