Sign up for Take the Castle weekend 2015

Wednesday June 10th 2015

vistaprint version 001 smEngage Connor Youth Council is gearing up for the second Connor Take the Castle youth weekend at Castlewellan from September 4-6.

The organisers say everyone had an incredible time last year and they are praying that this time round it will be bigger and better!

The speaker for the weekend is Stuart Moles who will talk from the book of James, offering a weekend ‘Jim Class’ when young people and their leaders can consider how they can ‘work-out’ their faith into their daily lives!

The cost is of the weekend is £50 per person. Please download all the forms you need here. and sign up as soon as possible as places are limited. All group forms must be submitted by the end of July.

The procedure for booking is simple-

  1. Each young person fills out individual form and returns to leader;
  2. Leader fills in group booking form (including all leaders names –  subsidised cost £50 also) and sends it by end of July 2015 to:  Zara Genoe, 82 Thornleigh Drive, Lisburn, BT28 2DS or email
  3. Group leader collects payment and along with the individual consent forms brings them to the weekend.

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