Engage Connor Youth is keeping the diocese connected with Facebook and its new Twitter and Pinterest accounts.
Engage Connor Youth is launching on Twitter and Pinterest!
To date, Engage Connor Youth has been connecting with young people and youth leaders through social media mainly through Facebook.
The Engage Facebook page has been active in informing young people and leaders about the events and activities being hosted by the Connor Youth Council. It has given an opportunity to share pictures of previous events and details of upcoming gatherings. The Youth Council has been engaging with those in the diocese through this and these new additions set up by Diocesan Youth Officer Christina Baillie will build on this.
Twitter allows individuals to follow the Engage Connor Youth page, to comment and share the information with their contacts. Christina said this will provide an opportunity to connect with youth leaders to share resources and helpful articles about youth work practice.
In addition, the Youth Council and youth leaders will be able to share stories about the work of the diocese and of the wider church with young people in a timely way.
Pinterest allows individuals to ‘pin’ ideas which are shared by Engage Connor Youth. Each person can create an online pin board to hold ideas or pictures which can be useful in their regular youth work programmes.
The Youth Council hopes it will be a great resource to provide craft ideas, session plans, game ideas and creative suggestions for prayer rooms.
Launching the new Engage social media sites, Christina said: “For me it is an opportunity to resource and begin to provide helpful tools for those engaged in youth work through the diocese.
“It may be helping to find an unusual game or a suggestion on how to develop young leaders, but overall should provide a small part of our ongoing support to individual parishes. It helps to add to the continuing development of community amongst our youth in Connor.”
Christina continued: “As we gather for regular events we hope that social media can be one way of keeping in touch in between times. So please like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and pin ideas from Pinterest!”
You can link to all our Engage Social Media sites on the Engage Connor Youth page.
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