There was a wonderful turnout for Messy Church in St Patrick’s Ballymena on October 18, and the team was greatly encouraged to see so many attend.
More chairs had to be put out to accommodate the 177 people of all ages who came along wanting to engage in this ministry.
The theme was the creation and harvest and giving thanks to God – expressed through singing, videos, arts and crafts and food.
As this was the last Messy Church before the retirement of the rector, the Rev Canon Stuart Lloyd after 26 years in Ballymena, thanks were extended to Canon Lloyd. The children used the letters of the word RECTOR to acknowledge their thanks for all he has done.
Lucy McLoughlan of the Messy Church team explained.
“R is for RESPONSIBILITY and the huge responsibility the rector had within the three churches and for all the many parishioners.
“E is for ENCOURAGING and all the encouragement he gave to people, especially the young people and the leaders of this parish.
“C is for COMMITMENT and all the commitment he gave to this parish day by day year by year.
“T is for TEACHING and for all the teaching he gave to us as young people and all the many children’s talks and assemblies he gave.
“O is for OTHERS and how he cared for others young, old, sick and poor.
“R is for REACHING OUT and how he was involved in reaching out to those less fortunate than ourselves, especially within our community and further afield in India and Nepal.”
A presentation was made to Canon Lloyd on behalf of the young people and leaders.
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