Candles can be lit in St Anne’s Cathedral where special prayers are being said for the victims of the November 13 terror attacks in Paris.
The victims of the terror attacks in Paris on Friday night are being remembered in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, where special prayers are being said.
The prayers, written in response to the attacks in the French capital which have left at least 127 dead, are available in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit inside the Cathedral.
Anyone wishing to come in and remember those who died in the attacks and their families can pray and light a candle.
The prayers, for the people of Paris and all victims of violence, are:
Almighty God……
look in your mercy on the people of Paris. Grant to the injured in mind and body, your healing; to the bereaved, comfort, support and hope; to those who are desperately trying to help, your strength. May the perpetual light of the presence of your Son shine on those who have died; may they be held in love, in the unity of the Spirit and in your peace that passes our understanding; through Christ our Lord we pray. Amen
open our hearts to the needs of others; fill our prayers with your Holy Spirit such that our prayer becomes yours within us. We are lost for words in the face of atrocity, barbarism and all contempt for human life. As we acknowledge our helplessness draw us ever closer to you. Help us to understand the power of love; to contemplate what it means to forgive; as we look to the Cross of your Son’s self-giving sacrifice for the sin of the world. Teach us your ways. Amen
Belfast Cathedral is open for prayer from 8am until 5pm on Sunday and from 8am until 6pm on weekdays.
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