St Mary’s Parish presents a cheque for £2,550 to the Northern Ireland Hospice. Pictured are, from left: Lilian Fletcher, cousin of the late Molly Crothers whose legacy helped raise the money, Jenay Doyle, from the Northern Ireland Hospice, and the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy.
The parish of St Mary’s, Crumlin Road, Belfast, has presented a cheque for £2,550 to the Northern Ireland Hospice.
The presentation was made at a Christingle service on Sunday December 20, named Hospice Sunday by the parish, and the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy, was the guest speaker.
A representative of the Hospice attended to receive the cheque.
This fantastic amount was raised largely due to the generosity of the late Miss Molly Crothers, a parishioner of St Mary’s. In her will, Molly had requested that her furniture and some personal effects be sold and the proceeds given to the parish and then donated to the NI Hospice.
Mr Bob Fryer, second from left, on the occasion of his retirement as a Lay Reader, with the Rev Robin Moore, Mrs Gladys Fryer and the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy. Photos: Paul Carmichael.
That sale raised £2,050, and the parish added to this the sum of £500 raised by parishioners who, instead of filling their church with fruit and vegetables at Harvest time, made a donation for the Hospice.
This is the second year that the parish has raised funds for the Hospice at Harvest.
The Service also saw the retirement of Bob Fryer after almost 40 years’ service as a Lay Reader, and after a presentation by the rector, the Rev Robin Moore, a special tea was held in the church hall to mark the occasion.
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