The Rev Alan McCann, rector of Holy Trinity Woodburn, centre, welcomes Dean John Mann, left, and Cathedral Master of the Choristers David Stevens for Evensong.
The Choir of St Anne’s Cathedral sang Evensong in Holy Trinity Parish Church, Woodburn, on Sunday evening, January 10.
There was a good attendance at the service with around 90 people present including Woodburn parishioners, friends and visitors.
This was the first time Holy Trinity Woodburn has held a Service of Choral Evensong, and the Cathedral Choir was invited by the rector, the Rev Alan McCann, who said “We see it as a means to reach out to some people in our own community of Woodburn Parish who appreciate this form of music and worship and whom we are seeking to reach with the good news of Christ.”
Alan said he wanted to support the work of Dean John Mann and the Cathedral in reaching out to the community in Belfast though the choir school programme.
The Cathedral Choir sings Evensong in Holy Trinity Woodburn.
Dean Mann said afterwards: “The service of Evensong was well received, there was a tangible sense of devotion as one would expect from a Church of Ireland congregation, even though it took a form unusual to this parish, and Holy Trinity Church is a good place in which to sing.
“The experience for the choir to sing in a different acoustic is always valuable too.”
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