At the Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in St Anne’s Cathedral are, l to r: The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann; the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy; RC Bishop of Down and Connor, Bishop Noel Treanor; the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev Dr Richard Clarke; the Rev Dr Ruth Patterson; the R.C. Archbishop of Birmingham, the Most Rev Bernard Longley; the Revd Brian Anderson, Presbyterian Church; Bishop Tony Farquhar, and Fr Hugh Kennedy, St Peter’s Cathedral.
The annual joint Cathedral service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity was held on Tuesday January 19 in St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast.
The choirs of St Anne’s and St Peter’s Roman Catholic Cathedral were united for the anthem If you love me, keep my commandments. St Peter’s choir sang How’s Amor Vincit Omnia and St Anne’s choir contributed a beautiful French setting of the Lord’s Prayer.
The preacher was the Most Rev Bernard Longley, RC Archbishop of Birmingham. Others who took part were the Methodist President, the Rev Brian Anderson; former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church; the Rev Ivan Patterson; the Bishop of Down and Connor, Bishop Noel Treanor; the Bishop of Connor, the Rt Rev Alan Abernethy; the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev Richard Clarke and Fr Hugh Kennedy, Administrator of St Peter’s Cathedral.
The service is repeated in St Patrick’s (C of I) Cathedral, Armagh, on Wednesday January 20.
Church leaders enjoy talking after the service.
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